HEGLER PLASTIK GMBH | Heglerstraße 8 | 97714 Oerlenbach | Tel.: +49 97 25/66-0

Civil engineering / Drainage

Storm water percolation with packing material/pipe infiltration trenches

The increasing construction activity with considerable surface sealing and the effects of intensifying heavy rainfall events as a result of climate change require a rethinking of the previous precipitation treatment, especially in urban quarters. If possible, rainwater from roofs and from traffic areas with low contamination should be infiltrated locally

The rainwater is led to an infiltration system where it percolates into the ground to augment the local ground water level. This significantly relieves the burden on the sewer system and the structural facilities for purification from an ecological and economic point of view.

Our infiltration systems for storm water percolation meet the requirements of DWA-A 138.

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